Are you a Good Samaritan?
Welcome to
Good Samaritan
Episcopal Church
We are a friendly congregation in the Forest Hills area of East Dallas near White Rock Lake. We are reverent in worship and warm and caring in community.
Christ is at the center of all that we do:
Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship & Service.
Join us on Sundays for:
12:00 Noon Coffee & Bible Study
1:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II

Come worship with us!
Our hope is for Good Samaritan to be a place where you can develop your relationship with God. We encourage you to bring your questions and doubts and join us as we talk about the "big questions" that matter most to ourselves, our lives, and our world.
Whether you are a lifelong Episcopalian or looking for a new church family, we would like you to think of Good Samaritan as your home.
We invite you to join us Sunday afternoons at 1:00 for reverent sacramental worship as we praise God and build the body of Christ.